Our Safety & Health Focus

Associated Asphalt’s family of businesses are committed to providing a safe workplace, free from all hazards. To this end, we have active safety committees at all operating facilities, consisting of operators and maintenance personnel to maintain environmental health & safety operations. They are charged with detecting, reporting and correcting hazards both physical and procedural, found in the workplace.

Our safety culture is based on the philosophy of our brother’s keeper, caring for and taking care of each other. Building and improving trust-based relationships is key to our success.

Using an analytical approach to incidents helps us determine contributing factors to the behavior leading up to the incident; outside influences affecting decisions; and system/procedural issues. We believe this approach improves our ability to implement corrective and preventative measures, by providing for true two-way conversations.

Safety Priorities

Respecting each other – To build trusting relationships

Emphasizing Personal Responsibility for our own safety

Encouraging everyone to ‘Take safety home’

Providing opportunities for participation on safety committees

Commitment to exceeding safety & health regulations

Establishment of a universal ‘Near Hits’ system for hazard identification, reporting, and correction

Our Environmental Focus

Associated Asphalt is committed to controlling our activities and services relevant to all aspects of our products, including transportation. We focus on preventing pollution and preserving the environment as well as fulfilling all applicable legal and other environmental requirements.

Our objectives and goals are established based on significant environmental impacts – both positive and negative – and sound business practices.

We strive to continually improve all aspects of the business and take pride in protecting human health and the environment by conserving natural resources and becoming better neighbors in each community where we have a presence, through the integration of environmental stewardship.

Environmental Priorities

Preserving and protecting the environment – going beyond meeting the requirements of our spill response & storm water pollution prevention plans through the use of Pollution Prevention Teams

Conserving resources

Reducing waste through recycling