Florida Market Growth

Looking back on our 2019 projects, we’re excited about all that we accomplished this year. In particular, we’ve seen exciting growth in the Florida market with three projects using our StellarFlex FR® asphalt product.

StellarFlex is an asphalt binder formulated specifically for the extreme stresses that airport pavements endure: exposure to jet fuel and the enormous weight of slow-moving aircraft. As consulting engineers in Florida have learned more about StellarFlex, they’ve begun requesting our product in apron rehabilitations at airports.

LaBelle Municipal Airport

In March, we started a project in south central Florida in the small city of LaBelle. Our customer rehabilitated the LaBelle Municipal Airport’s apron with 2-inch mill and replaced with 2 inches of P-404 with our StellarFlex.

Page Field Airport

In April, we started work in Fort Myers, Florida, at the Page Field Airport. Working with engineers from Hole-Montes, we constructed a new hangar and expanded and rehabilitated the apron. Ajax Industries placed two inches of StellarFlex as the final surface layer on two areas near the new hangar. Tim Parker, Hole-Montes engineer and pilot, plans to use more of this on future projects in Florida.

Keystone Airpark

This fall, we worked on a new refueling apron at the Keystone Airpark in Keystone Heights in northeast Florida. Working with AECOM, the same consulting engineer from the LaBelle project earlier in the year, we installed the StellarFlex-based material as the final layer on the apron.

2020 and Beyond

“Of all the states where we have marketed StellarFlex, we’ve seen the most interest in Florida,” said Robbie Robinson, Senior Technical Services & Technical Marketing Manager. This increased interest could be sparked from several factors, but Robinson believes its from a longstanding awareness of fuel-resistant asphalt in Florida. “A consulting firm in Florida has been an important supporter of fuel-resistant asphalt and really spread the word about this state-of-the-art asphalt mixture, as well as our own marketing efforts in Florida,” said Robinson.

“We’re glad that StellarFlex meets the needs of these contractors and their willingness to invest in it for their apron installations,” said Robinson.

Looking back at the great work accomplished this year in Florida, we’re excited to see what will happen in the Sunshine State in 2020.

Associated Asphalt’s Transportation Network Provides Opportunity for International Supply

Over the past 70 years, Associated Asphalt has worked diligently to build a transportation network that allows us to provide convenient access to liquid asphalt supply throughout the Eastern United States. With multiple water-accessible terminals, we are unbound by the limitations of land transportation. For over 20 years, we’ve partnered with contractors overseas to export supply tanks on water vessels internationally.

International Export of Supplies and Expertise

Our sales and marketing team can work with partners to provide our wide variety of paving-grade polymer modified asphalts, emulsions, and tack coats. We also supply the equipment such as burners, pumps, hoses, and fittings that are all necessary for processing the asphalt onsite. All international partners can receive technical support to make sure the equipment is installed properly and the asphalt processed on spec.

“Our International business provides asphalt for everything from airports, new road construction to high school track and field surfaces,” says Chad Gemberling, Director of Sales & Marketing. “It’s exciting to see our asphalt set sail outside the US.”

Our Export Footprint

Associated Asphalt ships tanks from our water accessible terminals in Florida and can transport the supply and equipment to any destination accessible by boat. We partner with contractors to set up their supply order and coordinate with a freight company of their choice for pick up. Associated Asphalt values these growing relationships in markets outside of the traditional space and is committed to continuing to provide quality products and consultation for their unique needs. We look forward to helping improve the quality and sustainability of infrastructure around the world.

If you would like to learn more about how Associated Asphalt can fulfill the needs of your international project, contact a representative today.

BT Labs: Driving Quality and Innovation for Associated Asphalt

From highways to airport landing strips, rooftops to bridges – asphalt plays a critical role in the infrastructure of our daily lives. As the impact of the environment changes and the needs of our customers become more advanced, Associated Asphalt looks to the Bituminous Technologies® (BT) Labs division to pave the way forward for our products by assuring quality control and innovation.

Previously, Associated Asphalt outsourced product and materials testing to the Asphalt Institute and other third-party labs. In an effort to bring that process in-house and expand our service offerings, Associated Asphalt acquired Mariani Asphalt’s lab in 2009 and later created BT Labs in 2010 to support the need to produce quality, innovative products that comply with federal and state regulations; all while solving the asphalt and paving challenges our customers face. With two AASHTO Accredited laboratories in Paulsboro, NJ, and Tampa, FL, we have access to state-of-the-art testing equipment and a team of knowledgeable, certified technicians. These labs are in charge of Research & Development, Quality Control & Assurance, and third-party testing for internal and external customers.

Assuring Quality PG Binder and Emulsion Products

When it comes to formulating specialty paving grade binders and emulsions, our customers depend on a reliable supply of asphalt materials that are durable and easy to use. There is no room for inaccuracy or inadequate materials; which is why our labs work hard to make sure that all materials and formulations that Associated Asphalt supplies meet specifications for customers and state regulations.

Through various methods of testing with advanced equipment, our team of technicians are able to ensure that our asphalt products will perform in our customers’ specified environments. We verify that our materials meet state standards, are free of contaminants, and that our asphalt formulations resist rutting, thermal cracking, fatigue damage, and stripping.

In addition to testing Associated Asphalt’s materials, our labs offer third-party testing services at competitive fees for those needing data on their asphalt products. So when one of our formulation partners is working on a new asphalt product to solve a unique customer challenge, we can perform the necessary tests to assure compliance and project success.

All-in-all, we hope to pave the way forward for quality in the industry at large, not just our own products.

Setting the Standard for State Regulation Compliance

Some of our most important partners in asphalt material and formulation testing are the state departments who set the standards for paving grade and emulsions. Each of the states in our footprint face unique climate challenges that drive these guidelines. For example, paving grade produced for Pennsylvania roads will require crack resistant formulas to endure cold winters, while asphalt applied to the hot highways of Florida must be designed to resist rutting.

BT Labs prioritizes keeping an open line of communication with state and federal agencies to make sure that we meeting specification standards. Part of having a good rapport with these representatives also means that we’re a trusted consultant when new challenges arrive. Playing a role in the solution allows us to innovate and adapt quickly to changing specifications.

Paving the Way Forward®

As our tagline suggests, Associated Asphalt is dedicated to paving the way forward for product quality and innovation. That’s why our testing doesn’t stop at the task at hand and our labs are constantly looking towards the future. Our specialty products and sales marketing teams work with customers to find the right product to fit the unique performance criteria. Then, BT Labs is able to create the right formulation and test materials to provide assurance that the product will both meet our standards of performance and fulfill the needs of the application.

Our most recent successes range from materials used in standard Department of Transportation paving applications, like chip seals and overlays, to asphalt binders for shingles. We’ve also demonstrated our abilities in the applications of our StellarFlexFR® asphalt binder that provide a jet fuel resistant pavement for an airfield apron used to park nostalgic war-birds in Pennsylvania and protection from damage caused by horse urine on a horse-drawn carriage path in St. Augustine, Florida. When we can provide efficient and effective asphalt solutions for our partners, we call it a job well done.

Curious about what solutions Associated Asphalt can provide for your next project? Contact us to discover more about what it means to be an Associated Asphalt partner.

Associated Asphalt is Proud to be a V3 Certified Company

At Associated Asphalt, we place value on individuals who uphold our Core Values of integrity, safety, relationships, innovation, and excellence. The Veteran labor population is an incredible resource to find employees that exemplify these values. In 2018, we were proud to become a Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certified Organization. This certification has allowed us to develop long-term strategies for recruiting, hiring, and retaining Veteran employees.

Why It’s Important

The V3 program was created in 2012 to improve the employment rate of Veterans by helping organizations implement best practices to recruit, hire, train and retain Veterans. It was the first of its kind in the United States. Since 2012, 25,000 Veterans have been hired through the program. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate for Veterans was 3.7% in comparison to 4.7% for the general population.

Our Progress in the Program

We chose to become part of this program because we not only value the hard work they put in during their time in service, but we value the dedication and skillsets gained through service.  Many of the Veteran employees we’ve hired have demonstrated great leadership in management roles and the ability to get buy in from employees. When working as a team could mean life or death, it’s important to inspire loyalty and hard work.

“We’re very thankful for the resources that the V3 program has provided to hire several gifted individuals,” says Wanda Medlin, HR Specialist. “They have been able to work for us in multiple capacities as a result of their military background and experience.”

Our Hopewell, VA terminal is just a short drive from Fort Lee. By engaging individuals near the end of their service through our V3 program, we’ve opened up a whole new network for qualified employees. Our Hopewell terminal now has 5 Veteran employees.

The front lines of production aren’t the only place Veterans have taken a leading role. Corporate leaders like Chief Operations Officer, James Hill, EHS Manager of Training and Development, Terry Adams, and Dan Matthews, Regional Manager also served in the military.

While not all of these key players qualify as a V3 Certified Employee, we’re so thankful to have their vast ranging experience and strong work ethic on our teams. We truly recognize the value in helping to reduce the Veteran unemployment rate and continue to work for similar certifications in the other states in which we operate.

Connecting to Employees of the Future: Florida Construction Career Days

Associated Asphalt is paving the way forward for young students in Tampa, Florida to find a career in the industry.

Wanda Hatchett, Human Resources Administrative Assistant, recently coordinated a team of Associated Asphalt employees from different backgrounds to attend the Florida Construction Career Day in Tampa. This event was created by transportation industry officials out of the growing need for a skilled labor pool to match the industry growth in the state of Florida. Associated Asphalt shares the need for talented employees as we grow our footprint from Florida to New York, so the decision to sponsor the event and attend was easy.

Opportunities in Asphalt

The Florida Construction Career Day isn’t your typical career fair. Partner agencies and organizations responsible for the event felt it was important to allow attending companies to truly demonstrate how the growing market has generated a variety of occupation opportunities for students to consider. In fact, the event in Tampa provided three different areas for businesses to set up and engage with attendees.

Students at Florida Construction Career Day

In the career center, Wanda was able to set up an exhibit table with brochures and complementary Associated Asphalt drawstring bags with additional information about the company’s benefits. The exhibit gave her the opportunity to have actual face time with students to answer their questions and discover what potential talent is looking for in a career path.

The event also included both a lab demonstration area and an equipment area. In these locations, students got the unique opportunity to witness typical daily tasks that could take place in such roles.

The lab area demonstrated how employees test asphalt at plants to make sure they have been mixed properly and respond to the specific conditions they were created for. In the equipment area, students were able to see an asphalt tanker truck to include those interested in the transportation side of our industry.

Associated Asphalt at Florida Construction Career Day

Students Today, Skilled Workers Tomorrow

Most students spend their entire school career hearing that the best path to take is to continue into higher education. Associated Asphalt seeks to educate students about other, equally rewarding, career opportunities. A skilled trade career can be just as fulfilling as a career requiring a degree.

As an older generation of employee begins to retire, the need for young, skilled workers will only increase. Associated Asphalt is beginning to see this effect take place as we try to fill vacancies at our 33 terminals from New York to Florida. This event will be one of many outreach expos that our Human Resources team will be attending in 2019.

If you or someone you know is in search of a career in the asphalt production and transport industry, we would love to provide more information about the variety of positions we have open.