Tag Archive for: Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Emily Gill, Field Engineer

Emily Gill, a Field Engineer based out of the Roanoke, VA, terminal, may be a new addition to the Associated Asphalt team, but she’s seasoned from previous experiences that help her fit into a male-dominated profession.

Employee Spotlight: Jake Exline, Sales & Technical Manager

Exline is a Sales Manager who primarily works with emulsions and performance sales in North Carolina.

Employee Spotlight: Melissa Perdue, Truck Driver

Melissa Perdue might be a newer member of the Associated Asphalt team, but she’s no stranger to the industrial driving industry.

Employee Spotlight: Jermaine Long, IT Support Technician

Nearly everyone talks to the HelpDesk – at least once. We often only take time to troubleshoot and fix issues at hand. So, let’s take a moment to meet Jermaine Long who started in January 2023 as Associated Asphalt’s IT Support Technician.

Employee Spotlight: Mike Tyree, Technical Service Representative

Mike Tyree, an Associated Asphalt veteran employee with more than 15 seasons with the company, is no stranger to the world of asphalt. Tyree has been visiting the plants due to his familial ties with other employees since he could walk.

Employee Spotlight: Hallie Bunkowske, Sales & Technical Manager

Hallie Bunkowske, who started as a laboratory technician at our Bituminous Technologies laboratory in Tampa in October 2013, has achieved remarkable growth within Associated Asphalt.

team member, associated asphalt, employee

Employee Spotlight: Colleen Moore, Logistics Manager

Colleen Moore joined the Associated Asphalt family 17 years ago at our Greensboro terminal. Colleen worked in banking for six years before joining the team until she decided it was time to start a new chapter.

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Employee Spotlight: Bobbi Mullins, Senior Logistics Manager

Bobbi Mullins’ story begins in Clay County, West Virginia. She worked at a local post office for a couple of years until she made the decision to start a new life in Salisbury, North Carolina. That’s where Bobbi found Associated Asphalt. “I could’ve transferred to the post office in Greensboro, but it wasn’t as fulfilling as I wanted it to be,” she said. What’s more, Bobbi was searching for a place to call her own where she could flourish in her career. She goes on to say, “I joined the team during the Associated Asphalt transition in March of 1997. I was very lucky to be a part of the team and grow with the company.”

Bobbi has been a part of the Associated Asphalt team for 25 years. She began her story as an administrative assistant at the Salisbury, North Carolina terminal, then transitioned from working on supply transportation to becoming a Senior Logistics Manager. “I’ve been here half my life,” Bobbi happily says. “It’s a great company to work for. I have shown my worth so they’ve promoted me within.”

But not only is it the advancement opportunities that have kept Bobbi with Associated Asphalt. “It’s been a career for me. They take very good care of me.” And it’s reciprocal. We strive to do the best we can each day for everyone’s sake. Bobbi says, “We want everyone to go home safe, the way they arrived to work. We never want anyone hurt. We have had some accidents, but we all look out for each other and take care of one another.”

It’s the close bond that Bobbi shares with her teammates that has made working at Associated Asphalt a unique and meaningful experience for her. “We’re just a tight-knit family. I’ve established some of my lifelong friends within this company.” Bobbi used to train all the administrators, so she has become well-acquainted with almost everybody at Associated Asphalt. “It’s the people that make this place the best place to work,” she says.

Her love for her company grew even stronger when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Bobbi and some of her fellow coworkers had to begin working remotely, which was an adjustment. But Bobbi says it showed just how much faith Associated Asphalt has in their employees. “They trust us to work to the best of our abilities and to accomplish what we need to accomplish every day.”

We value each member of our team and believe in showing appreciation for our staff members’ dedication. Bobbi says, “I’m proof of this. If you’re willing to put the hard work in, you have a chance to rise with the company. You can make it a career. I’ve made it a career!”

We are so pleased to call Bobbi a part of the Associated Asphalt family! All of our employees bring a range of skills, values, and experiences to the team! You can read more employee spotlights here. Interested in starting a career at Associated Asphalt? Apply today!

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Employee Spotlight: Luther Scales, Polymer Modified Asphalt Operator

“I’m very proud of my job. I boast about it a lot to people,” says Luther Scales.

Luther began his story with Associated Asphalt almost 20 years ago. As a young man beginning his career with a good work ethic and honest character, Luther said that he did not know a single thing about asphalt prior to joining the Associated Asphalt family. Starting as a rookie on the rail, Luther worked his way up the ladder and is now a Polymer Modified Asphalt Operator at our Greensboro terminal. Over the last two decades, Luther has acquired an array of skills and fallen in love with everything his job offers, “It’s more than a job to me. This is my life and I love it.”

Before Luther joined our team, he spent many years working in warehousing and distribution positions. He was drawn to Associated Asphalt because he was seeking something greater, something with more meaning; a company he could grow with. One of the major things he factored into taking the position at Associated Asphalt was the team, “I love the people that work here, they’re my second family.”

Our company’s core values are aligned with Luther’s personal beliefs. Integrity and safety are very important qualities to everyone on our team. Luther was brought up with the values that Associated Asphalt upholds each day. “If you do a job right and to the best of your abilities, you’ll be rewarded. I like the sense of accomplishment when I do something on my own. I feel good every night when I leave my job knowing I accomplished my goals.” Because of the nature of the work, it is essential to complete tasks at a steady pace rather than rushing through, simply trying to check boxes. “I tell the new hires all the time to ‘just take your time and you’ll eventually get it, and you’ll develop your own way of doing it safely.'” Luther says.

Luther appreciates the camaraderie, character, and overall respect that is given when the team comes together in a crisis. “There was an asphalt spill out on the rails, everybody including our office administrator Colleen, went outside to help stop and contain the spill. I was genuinely amazed seeing her spring into action, lugging sandbags outside even though it wasn’t her job.” He goes on to say, “Even though she didn’t need to come out and help us, she felt that she needed to, and she really did help us. It’s like a well-oiled machine here. When we all work together, it’s beautiful.”

Luther believes that the most valuable thing he’s learned working at Associated Asphalt is how we work as a team. “At my other jobs, it was like everyone was out for themselves. There was no working together,” he says. “At Associated Asphalt, I’m not treated like a robot, I’m treated like a person. I’m producing modified asphalt for a purpose.”

But that’s not the only perk of becoming a part of the Associated Asphalt team, according to Luther. He noted that although we continue to grow, we’re still family-based. At Associated Asphalt, you’ll have the opportunity to constantly learn from the people around you and form strong connections with your team members. “I haven’t seen a person come through here yet that wasn’t liked and given a chance to do what they can do,” Luther says. “You’ll have a home here.”

When Luther isn’t working, he loves spending time with his family. “It’s me and my son, and he has two of the most beautiful grandchildren you’ve ever seen in your life. They’re the reason I keep coming to work.” Being a “country boy” and lover of the great outdoors, you may also find Luther going fishing with his loved ones.

We are so glad to have Luther on our team at Associated Asphalt! All of our employees bring a range of skills, values, and experiences to the team! You can read more employee spotlights here. Interested in starting a career at Associated Asphalt? Apply today!

Team Member, Customer Service, employee, employee spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Carrie Conard-Watson, HRIS & Benefits Administrator

Roanoke transplant Carrie Conard-Watson joined the Associated Asphalt family in the summer of 2022 as our HRIS & Benefits Administrator. Carrie brings years of experience, an infectiously positive attitude, and a great outlook to the Associated Asphalt team.